
As I enter data into the family tree, I discover interesting snippets that I extract that would otherwise be buried in the thousands of records.

Stories and anecdotes handed down in the family or written up in the local newspaper:

One day William Giegerich’s father Nick came in his grocery store (in Canton) and told him “You know somebody shot at me this morning.” What William didn’t tell him was that he’d been cleaning his gun that morning and it went off and evidently the bullet went in old Nick’s window. -Russell William Wagner (grandson)

Wesley A. Hanning: A farmer all his life, but an educated one. He used to be a good violinist until a silage cutter took off the fingers of his left hand. He went to college but he did not graduate. –Theo Weiler

11 Feb 1887: Someone entered Eckart’s meat shop Sunday night and stole from $25 to $40 worth of hams and bacon. It seems the thief had a key to the front door, as Mr. Eckart found it locked when he went to his shop next morning. Canton Press

Andrew Eckert: 02 Dec 1887; was brought home last Saturday from Kansas, badly crippled. He had been hurt in two railroad accidents, which has caused white swelling and rheumatism. He died Jan. 26, 1888. Canton Press

Wilhelmina “Minnie” Giegerich: 14 Dec 1906: lost the sight of one eye. In driving a nail the hammer glanced and the nail flew into her eye. It is hoped the other eye will not become affected, as she makes her living with the needle and the accident comes as a double misfortune. Canton Press

Albert F Eckert: 12 Mar 1896, received a letter from Germany that he and brothers and sisters have fallen heir to a fortune of 150,000 marks, about $36,000 in US money. The money was left to his late mother by a distant relative, and she being dead it goes to her children. Canton Press

August 25, 1861 Jacob Freyhofer’s son John Henry enlisted in the Union army. That same day, Henry’s sister Susan and John Hanning’s third child was born and they named him John Henry. Read about John Henry Freyhofer’s short life in the Civil War (coming soon).

Carl Weiler and his wife Maria Behringer were 2nd cousins. They had the same great grandparents.

Andrew Eckert and Wilhelmina Geigerich were supposed to be 2nd cousins

A note by the birth entry for Johann George Paar born 1730: The father of Johann Georg Paar was Peter Paar, who impregnated Anna Elisabethh Goebel in the mill at the Kampffhof in Dalwigksthal. He came with his sovereign to the Kampffhoff in Dalwigkstal to get some grain ground. Anna Elisabeth Goebel was in the mill and he weakened her. He returned to his job as Reitknecht ( being in charge of the horses) for the royalty in Arolsen.

Johann Georg EBERLE: Illegitimate son of Barbara, legitimate dau. of Christoph Eberle, given the name Johann Georg. She said that the father was a soldier whose name she was not sure of.

Johannes RÜCKER: The bride was pregnant. The groom was persuaded to admit he was the father and marry her.

Michael HAUSER and Margretha KOHLER were married secretly in Kuchen then a child was born.

Johannes KÄLBERER and Anna Barbara: The pastor noted that they had a child only 14 days after this.

Johann Georg REHM: underage and received permission to marry.

Baby REHM: Not baptized due to negligence of the midwife. Buried the next day.

Johanna FREY: Pulled from her mother’s womb by a famous midwife from Wellheim; baptised immediately; died.

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