My genealogy software

Family Tree Maker on my PC. I’ve used FTM since version 2 (I still have the old floppies!).
Mackiev has done a pretty good job taking over the program. They are improving it and it works pretty well now. to host my trees. I have a full subscription which gives me access to all their records, as well as fold3 and
Ancestry apps on my iPad and iPhone.
Note: I still LOVE the Ancestry APPS and will keep using Ancestry for the records, DNA matching, and tree sharing (which connects me to cousins also on Ancestry), even if I stop using Family Tree Maker.

Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom to edit and organize my photos

Dropbox and OneDrive
I use dropbox to sync files to my ipad. It creates a folder on my computer to which I can drag files to. It then uploads them to their server and when I need to access the files I just open my dropbox app on my ipad or iphone and I can download the file wherever I am. I can also have it download and keep the file on my ipad for offline access. I use it for all sorts of documents I need to have with me. Great for traveling. And I love that it acts as a backup for important things in case my computer crashes because anything in the dropbox folder is also online in the cloud. You can password protect the files as well so it is secure.

Use this referral link for a bonus 500 MB for both of us. The service is free.

I use Microsoft OneDrive to host the downloads because it allows me to update the file with a new one with the same name and the link stays the same. Dropbox changed this feature.

Zenfolio to host my photos.

  • Click on my Zenfolio referral code and get a 10% discount off your subscription price.
  • After you sign up I also get 10% off

Microsoft OneNote to store and manage research notes. This is like Evernote.

Microsoft Word to write and format my narratives, and then save them as PDFs

WordPress for this website

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